Configure - Local Audio Files Multiple Folders

This document will show you how to configure Trunk Player using multiple folders to store and play back your audio in the same structure as trunk-recorder.

Currently install is based on a Debian like system, Ubuntu.

System Prerequisites

  • After configuring for Local Audio Files
  • Trunk-player is in /home/radio/trunk-player
  • Audio files will be served via a web-server (nginx) from /home/radio/trunk-player/audio_files/
  • Trunk-recorder is in /home/radio/trunk-recorder
  • Both sox and lame installed.

Update trunk-player

Change directory into the base trunk-player directory

$ cd /home/radio/trunk-player

Pull down latest version of trunk-player from github

$ git pull

Activate virtualenv

$ source env/bin/activate

Migrate any new database schema changes

$ ./ migrate

Update Trunk-Recorder

Configure trunk-recorder to save our wav/json files in /home/radio/trunk-player/audio_files/

Edit the trunk-recorder config file /home/radio/trunk-recorder/config.json

Change the captureDir to /home/radio/trunk-player/audio_files

In the systems list for each system you have, edit the uploadScript to change the 0 to the system number you want it to be saved as in trunk-player

Save the config

Copy the sample script /home/radio/trunk-player/utility/trunk-recoder/ to /home/radio/trunk-recorder/

$ cp utility/trunk-recoder/  /home/radio/trunk-recorder/

If you have multiple systems, update the zero ( 0 ) in the second part of the cp command for each system number

Running new config

Re start both trunk-recorder and trunk-player.