Configure - Local Audio Files

This document will show you how to configure Trunk Player using nginx as a frontend reverse proxy and serving the audio files from local storage

Currently install is based on a Debian like system, Ubuntu.

System Prerequisites

  • After installing using install.rst as a guide

All paths in the document are based on trunk-player being in /home/radio, change as needed


Using your system packageing tool install the current version of Nginx

Using apt-get in unbuntu

$ sudo apt-get install nginx

Use the sample nginx config file in the project as a starting point

$ cd /home/radio/trunk-player
$ cp trunk_player/trunk_player.nginx.sample trunk_player/trunk_player.nginx

Link this config into the nginx config area for active configs, we will also remove the default conig shipped with nginx. Leave this if you are alreading using nginx with other sites on the same server, you will need to remove the “default” statemnets from our sample if so”

$ sudo ln -s /home/radio/trunk-player/trunk_player/trunk_player.nginx /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
$ sudo rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default

Restart nginx to pick up the new configs

$ sudo systemctl restart nginx

Configure Trunk Player to use local audio files

Edit local settings file trunk_player/




AUDIO_URL_BASE = '/audio_files/'

If you are not running an SSL (HTTPS) site add this to the end of trunk_player/


Static html files

Have django put all the static files javascript, css, and images into a static folder that ngix can server.

You need to re run this command any time any of these files is changed.

Start by starting the python virtual environment (if you have not yet)

$ source env/bin/activate
$ ./ collectstatic --noinput

Starting django web services

You need to start both the daphne service and the runworker. You can run multiple runworker instances, the recomened is not to exceet 2 per cpu core.

You can run one on each window to watch the messages while you test.

First window start daphne, make sure you are in the python virtual environment.

$ daphne trunk_player.asgi:channel_layer --port 7055 --bind

Now start atleast 1 runworker

$ ./ runworker livecall-scan-default

Adding new transmissions

You can use utility/trunk-recoder/ as a guide. You want to have both the json and an mp3 file in the audio_files folder.

$ ./ add_transmission 1200-1488505593_8.60713e+08

Note: you leave off the extenson of the filename